Compliance Company code of conduct

Internalising compliance requirements

The concept of compliance is becoming increasingly important in the SME sector. From the breach of rules to the violation of actual laws and criminal behaviour: The damage to a company's assets and reputation can be huge and even jeopardise its status as a going concern. So companies need to define the rules of play for all those involved: a code of conduct which is particularly effective when paired with forward-thinking risk management and internal auditing.

Seeing compliance as a holistic process

You’re thinking about setting up a Compliance Management System for your company? Please contact us on any of the following issues:

  • Defining compliance goals, rules and guidelines based on your corporate culture
  • Conducting an analysis in the fields relevant to you on risk factors and their material significance
  • Setting up a suitable organisation and Programme
  • Designing training and information concepts
  • Advice on improvement and monitoring issues
  • Auditing Compliance Management Systems (IDW PS 980)

A beady eye on data protection

Data is of great economic importance for a company and using it is a key factor for success. This makes it all the more important to pay maximum attention to compliance and security for sensitive data. The European General Data Protection Regulation, which every company has had to apply as of May 1, 2018, makes this issue increasingly relevant. Make sure you are aware of what personal data your business stores and processes. Above all, make sure data protection and IT security issues are part of your Compliance Management System.


Advisory services/ Compliance

Consulting with personal touch

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